
Mark Duncan has been specialising in English and Continental Furniture and Works of Art from the 18th and 19th Century. Over the last 30 years he has developed a wealth of knowledge and continues to advise clients on the best pieces for 21st century way of living.
We have established a reputation for sourcing the finest pieces of furniture with particular focus on rarity, colour, provenance and excellent condition. We are committed to providing our clients with not only a wonderful array of pieces to choose from, but a personal value added service, such as advice on restoration and caring for your antiques as well as insurance valuations.
Our commitment to our clients has ensured our membership with LAPADA (London and Provincial Antique Dealers Association) and CINOA (Confederation Internationale des Negociants en Oeuvres d’Art) two of the world’s best known trade association.
We are always happy to bring any item to your home for you to see in situ, there is no obligation and appointments can be arranged at a time to suit you. Alternatively our showroom in Sussex is by appointment only, we have also exhibited at some of the finest antique fairs around the country.